I've noticed that on our board and others across the web there is a growing use of the phrase "Peggy says" which is adopted from a credit cards rewards program red tape commercial.
In veterans term it goes something like this
"This is Peggy" - Peggy
"Peggy I want to check the status of my claim" - Veteran
"You got form?" - Peggy
"No I don't have a form, do I need a form?" - Veteran
"I send you form" - Peggy
"So Peggy I fill out the form and send it back to you and then you can give me the status of my claim" - Veteran
"No, I send you form" - Peggy
"But you sent me form and I returned it" - Veteran
"You need form to get form" - Peggy
Clearly an exaggeration above, but speaks volumes of veterans frustrations.